Henfield News

At their monthly meeting on 4th February, Henfield Parish Council co-opted a new Councillor Mark Andrews.

Henfield's Annual Parish Meeting will be held on the 4th of March at 7pm in the Henfield Hall. There will be a presentation on the Year of Care and Wellbeing and question and answer session as well as lots of interesting displays and a chance to meet and chat with Councillors. Refreshments will be provided. 

There will be a considerable amount of trees with Ash Die Back removed by Horsham Distrit Council contractors on Henfield Common week beginning the 10th February. Heavy machinery will be in use on site but access will not be prevented. Visitors are asked to follow the signage in place and to observe any instructions from the banksmen that will be there to assist. 

Henfield has been selected for a month of focussed activity in February by Sussex Police. You will see more officers on patrol and targeted activity in key areas. They also plan to have a stall at the Monday market in order to engae with local residents. 

Horsham District Council News

Following the decision of the Government’s Planning Inspector to cancel Horsham District Council’s Local Plan examination hearings because they needed further information, the Council has submitted this information and is now ready to proceed with the remaining examination sessions.

The Council believes that it will be able to carry out any necessary Local Plan updates within the Government's preferred six-month timescale.

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At Horsham District Council's Cabinet meeting on 29th January, the Council adopted a Declaration for River Recovery. This Declaration recognises the importance to the natural world of rivers, their tributaries and streams.

The Declaration has been developed in conjunction with several neighbouring councils, as well as local conservation groups and two Rivers Trusts and relates to the rivers Rother, Arun and Adur.

They are already making a lot of progress in the ongoing restoration of rivers and watercourses, much of which has been achieved through their ground breaking work with the Wilder Horsham District project working in partnership with the Sussex Wildlife Trust.

Read the Declaration

West Sussex County Council News

Recent electric vehicle chargepoint consultation results published

The results of recent electric vehicle public consultations by West Sussex County Council have been published and are now available. These were held to consider proposed new chargepoint sites across the county.

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Greater powers for Sussex come a step closer with government backing for devolution

An opportunity to gain new powers and investment for Sussex has moved a step nearer with the government’s agreement to make the area a priority for devolution.

Following an expression of interest from the leaders of West Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council, and East Sussex County Council, ministers have approved proposals to create a mayoral strategic authority for Sussex, made up of an elected mayor and two members of each constituent authority, with strategic powers for transport, public safety, health, environment and climate change, housing, economic growth, skills and jobs.

As well as unlocking new powers and investment for the region, it would give the people of Sussex a stronger voice in how national decisions affect them and enable more decisions to be taken locally.

The government will now begin a consultation to seek the views of people and organisations in Sussex.

All three of Sussex’s upper-tier local authorities – Brighton & Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council – agree that devolution could unlock new funding and give people a stronger voice over national decisions which affect them and greater power to steer major projects across the area.


West Sussex County Council seeks residents’ views on Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

West Sussex County Council is asking local residents for feedback in a public survey about its draft Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.

As the lead local flood authority for West Sussex, the County Council is responsible for developing, maintaining, applying, and monitoring a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. It will guide how the Council works with water companies, district and borough councils, residents, landowners and the Environment Agency to improve local flood risk management in the county, with specific actions for the next five years

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Find out about the role of the Parish Council and the other Local Authorities, Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council