Henfield, Horsham and West Sussex News

Henfield enjoyed well attended 80th anniversary of D Day commemoration events, which included lighting of the Beacon on the Rothery Field. Plans are already being discussed to celebrate the 80th anniversary of VE Day in May 2025.

The Parish Council have now approved a list of planned projects that might require developer contributions known as Comminuty Infrastructure Levy- CIL. Applications from Henfield based groups and organisations are always welcome, more information can be found on the CIL webpage.

For those wondering, the three main entrance sign to the village are due to be replaced. The design will likely remain very similar, but sadly the current frames and posts are rusted. 

Horsham District Council News

A new Greenspaces Strategy for the District

Take a walk with us around Leechpool and Owlbeech Woods in our video below.

Last week Cabinet approved a new Greenspaces Strategy 2024-2029 for the District.

The Strategy supports the Council's commitment to tackle climate change and aims to ensure that our green spaces are protected for future generations. Our vision is to manage our land to maximise its biodiversity value, nature recovery, climate mitigation and adaptation, and for the land to be managed to provide good quality public greenspace for amenity and leisure use.

Horsham District Council owns and manages approximately 400 ha (988 acres) of green space across the District, including formal parks and recreation grounds, woodland, heathland, allotments, playgrounds and more.

Read the Cabinet Report

Resources and advice to help you support a Wilder Horsham District

Wilder Horsham District volunteersWe established the Wilder Horsham District project with the Sussex Wildlife Trust in 2020 to help deliver a Nature Recovery Network to help wildlife thrive. We could not do this without local communities and volunteers keen to improve their local natural environment.

Get involved

  • Seeking funding for a conservation project? Apply for our Nature Recovery Award.
  • Help the Sussex Wildlife Trust with practical habitat management tasks as a Wilder Horsham District Volunteer! New volunteers are always welcome.
  • Create space for wildlife in your garden. Wherever you live, your garden can become a vital part of connecting habitats and helping to form our District-wide Nature Recovery Network. Have a look at these wildlife-friendly gardening resources and pick an idea that takes your fancy!
  • If you are a landowner or land manager, get in touch for site visits and ecological advice.
  • Become a part of our social media community for regular project updates! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Business grants of up to £5,000 to help boost the local visitor economy

Local Visitor GrantsHorsham District Council is pleased to announce a new £27K funding boost for small businesses to support the creation of new tourism experiences in Horsham District this summer. Small businesses across the District will be able to apply for funding of up to £5,000 each.

Horsham Visitor Experience grants are an injection of funding aimed at micro to small businesses to fund new projects which generate visitor footfall in the Horsham District. Businesses will receive support from a mentoring programme including idea development and business toolkits to help them achieve their goals. Successful applicants will receive their grant funding in September 2024.

Read More Online

West Sussex County Council News

Fight food waste and access affordable food!

West Sussex Recycles teams host seven Community Food Hubs, in collaboration with UKHarvest, once a month in each district and borough across the county.

The Hubs are designed to reduce surplus food from suppliers that would otherwise go to waste.

All residents are welcome to visit and fill a bag with rescued food for a suggested donation of £3.50.

The Hubs also offer recipes, food prevention hints and tips, and host information stands on various subjects including waste prevention, wellbeing and citizens advice.

Summer Reading Challenge

Exciting rewards await children aged four to 11 who take part in this year’s Summer Reading Challenge in their local library.

The theme is ‘Marvellous Makers’ and the fun starts on Saturday 13 July. If you're not a member yet, it’s free to join the library and free to take part!

The challenge is to choose and read some amazing library books over the school holiday.

Children who take part also receive a fab fold-out poster and scratch-and-sniff stickers to track their progress.

The more they read, the more exciting rewards they will receive!

There are fun activities too, including a Character Hunt with a prize draw.

Those who complete the challenge by Saturday 14 September are rewarded with a medal and certificate. There’s even a Mini Challenge for children under four.

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Find out about the role of the Parish Council and the other Local Authorities, Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council