Henfield Parish Council News

Henfield held its Annual Parish Meeting this month with presentations, a question and answer session, displays and a chance to meet and chat with Councillors afterwards with refreshments. The minutes of the meeting and the annual report can be found here.

Skate Park Improvement designs have now been received, the next stage in the process is to seek planning advice from Horsham Dsitrict Council and users will be consulted on their preferences for the potential new features. 

Ash Die back works are now complete on Henfield Common, some of the resulting wood will be sold in order to reduce the cost of the works. 

The BP Guild have kindly agreed to run a bar and Beacon Lighting on the Rothery Field on the 8th May to celebrate the 80th anniversary of VE Day. Look out more more details in the coming weeks. 

Horsham District Council News

Fantastic news for pet lovers in Horsham District

Horsham District Council are set to be one of the first councils to adopt a new environmental health rating scheme for local businesses associated with the care and sale of animals.

The one to five-star rating system is part of new regulations aimed at protecting the welfare of animals and providing a more informed choice about animal establishments and service providers for owners and customers.

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'Always listening, learning and improving' : Council set to adopt new constitution

Horsham District Council Councillors will be asked to approve a new revised constitution at a meeting of the full Council on 2 April 2025.

The Council’s constitution outlines the structures, powers and functions of a local authority and how it operates.

A cross-party working group, alongside Council officers, has undertaken a wholesale review of the current constitution to take into account recommendations from a recent independent review co-ordinated by the Local Government Association.

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Grants to help future-proof small businesses coming soon

Horsham District Council have announced a new round of LEAP small business grant funding to support local businesses, which will open to applications on Wednesday 2 April.

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Food waste collections are coming!

A phased roll-out of weekly food waste collections will begin in the Horsham District in March 2026. There will be no change to the fortnightly household refuse and recycling collections.

Food waste collections are being introduced to help improve recycling rates as well as to comply with the Government's Simpler Recycling scheme which was introduced to create consistency in the way recycling, food waste and garden waste are collected across the country. Food waste one of the biggest contributors to climate change.

Collection of commercial food waste from local businesses from March 2025.

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Residents urged to take part in the Government's consultation on devolution

A consultation to seek the public’s views on proposals to form a Mayoral Combined County Authority for all of Sussex to cover West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove has been launched by the Government. Have your say before 13 April.

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Horsham District Council secures lowest Council Tax in Sussex

Horsham District Council has balanced its budget for 2025/26 securing the lowest Council Tax rate in Sussex with no cuts to front line services for its residents.

The budget will also accommodate a significant £15.6 million capital programme, investing in infrastructure and facilities for residents, housing provision and expanding work on achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2030.

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West Sussex County Council News

Balanced budget with no cuts to frontline services

A balanced budget has been agreed for the year ahead which provides support for the most vulnerable, without cuts to frontline services.

In the coming year, WSCC will spend more than £2.2bn on vital services, including:

  • £1,284m for schools, education, and children’s social care
  • £553m to care for adults and keep people healthy
  • £98m to protect the environment, recycling and waste disposal
  • £87m to maintain roads and provide transport
  • £65m for Fire and Rescue services and support for communities
  • £5m to support the local economy

The pressures facing them outweigh the funding they receive from government, and they were able to achieve a balanced budget by reducing spending by £12.3m, and an increase in council tax of 4.99% (2% for adults’ social care and 2.99% for general fund services).

The increase in council tax for a Band D property is £85.59 per year or approximately £1.65 per week.

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