It is preferred that interments are made between 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on weekdays (Monday – Friday inclusive), however applications for burial outside these times will be considered by Henfield Parish Council on application, giving reasonable notice.
The Minister’s fees should be agreed directly with the Minister concerned.
Fees for digging a grave should be agreed directly with the Funeral Directors, or a grave digger approved by the Parish Council.
EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF BURIAL (plot purchase) is the grant by Henfield Parish Council to the Grantee and his/her successors-in-title of the exclusive right of burial in the grave space purchased for the purpose of burial only. This document is important and we recommend it is kept securely. Grants are issued for a maximum of 50 years. Any application for a memorial or interment must be signed by the owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial.
In respect of earthen graves for which the Exclusive Right of Burial is granted the plot shall measure 274cm x 122cm [9ft x 4ft]
In respect of cremated remains (in an area specifically reserved for such) the plot shall measure 61cm x 75cm [2ft x 2ft 6 inches]
1. No burials are permitted on Sundays, Christmas Day, Good Friday or Bank Holidays.
2. Monuments (Headstones, Tablets and Memorial inscriptions) may only be installed with permission of Henfield Parish Council being the burial authority for Henfield Cemetery. Designs must be submitted for approval and fees paid prior to installation. No Monument, of whatever description, will be admitted in the Cemetery or permitted to be installed except on condition that such Monuments, once erected, shall remain the owner’s sole responsibility.
All monuments, headstones and vaults are to be kept in repair by the owner of the Exclusive Rights of Burial. The Council reserves to itself, by the appropriate Acts entrusted to it, the right to dismantle to ground level any monument which is allowed to fall into disrepair or is considered unsafe.
3. Flowers, foliage and floral tributes of any kind that are artificial will not be permitted in the cemetery and shall be removed at the discretion of the Parish Council.
4. Under exceptional circumstances, which are not covered by the above regulations, the matter should be discussed with the Parish Clerk of Henfield Parish Council.
Full Burial Plots
5. The only furniture allowed on a full burial plot is a headstone. The placing on graves of wrought-iron railings, balustrades, wire fences, screens, footstones and wooden memorials and kerbstones is prohibited. The Parish Council reserve the right to remove any unauthorised furniture.
The maximum height of a headstone should not exceed 2 feet 6 inches (76cm). Plot numbers must be inscribed on the reverse.
6. No monument or flower receptacle or any other article, plant, tree or shrubs whatsoever shall be placed on or in the grave other than the headstone and cut flower receptacle, hereinafter referred to. The Parish Council reserve the right to remove any unauthorised articles or furniture.
For the holding of cut natural flowers, one receptacle not exceeding 20cm [8 inches] in width, height and breadth may be placed at the head of the grave provided in the position required by the Parish Council and set into the ground so that no part of it protrudes above turf level. A metal water container for the holding of cut natural flowers may be fitted in the said receptacle, provided it does not protrude above turf level.
Cremated Remains Plots
7. The only monument permitted in the cremated remains area is a tablet, to be laid flat so that it is level with the surrounding turf. No other monument or flower receptacle or any other plant, tree or shrub whatsoever shall be placed on or near the cremated remains plot other than the tablet.
The size of the tablet should not exceed 15 inches (38cm) by 10 inches (26cm).
Fees are fixed and settled under Section 214 and Schedule 26 of the Local Government Act 1972.
Fees are in two categories, resident and non resident, and apply from 1st April 2023:
Monuments and Tablets
The fees shown are for the permit for installation and first inscription.
An application form must be completed for the installation of all headstones and tablets and submitted to Henfield Parish Council Office prior to installation. The application fees are as follows:
(i) Headstone not exceeding 76 cm in height and 76cm in width £100 (Residents) and £200 (Non-Residents)
(ii) Tablet not exceeding 38cm x 25cm (to be laid flat and level with the ground) £100 (Residents) £200 (Non-Residents)
(iii) For each extra inscription after the first £100 for (Residents) £200 (Non-Residents)
A permit will be issued by the Parish Council following receipt of the application form and relevant fee.
Memorial Wall
A Memorial Wall for plaques in memory of deceased relatives and friends is at the north end of the Cemetery. An application form must be completed but payment will not be requested until a proof of the design is agreed. The fee includes engraving and installation of the plaque.
Memorial Wall Plaque: £250 (Resident), £500 (Non-Resident)
Additional inscription on existing plaque or replacement plaque £ 250 (Resident), £500 (Non-Resident)
Where the person to be interred, or in respect of whom the right is granted is or, immediately before his/her death, was an inhabitant or parishioner of the Parish of Henfield; or in the case of a stillborn child where the parents (or one of them) are at the time of interment inhabitants or parishioners of the Parish of Henfield:
PART 1 Exclusive Right of Burial
Full sized plot £600
Plot in specific Cremated Remains Area £300
Extension of Term, Full Sized Plot £600
Extension of Term, Cremated Remains Plot £300
The Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial is valid for 50 years from the date of purchase.
PART 2 Interment- An application form must be completed for all interments and submitted to Henfield Parish Council Office prior to interment.
(i) Of the body of a stillborn child, or of a child whose age at time of death did not exceed 18 years £nil
(ii) Of the body of a person whose age at time of death exceeded 18 years £500
Cremated Remains
(i) Interment in full sized plot £500
(ii) For interment of cremated remains in the area specifically reserved for cremated remains £500
(iii) Plot Preparation Fee, made payable directly to the Works Officer £40. Please note caskets or containers must be a maximum size of 420mm x 280mm x 200mm high and we prefer biodegrable materials to be used.
Burial Record Search
If appointment is required £50
Administration Fee for Amendments
Where the person to be interred, or in respect of whom the right is granted, is not an inhabitant or parishioner of the Parish of Henfield; or in the case of a stillborn child where, at the time of interment, neither parent is an inhabitant or parishioner of the Parish of Henfield:
PART 1 Exclusive Right of Burial
Full sized plot £1200
Plot in the specific Cremated Remains Area £600
Extension of Term, Full Sized Plot £1200
Extension of Term, Cremated Remains Plot £600
The Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial is valid for 50 years from the date of purchase
PART 2 Interment An application form must be completed for all interments and submitted to Henfield Parish Council Office prior to interment.
(i) Of the body of a stillborn child, or of a child whose age at time of death did not exceed 18 years £nil
(ii) Of the body of a person whose age at time of death exceeded 18 years £1000
Cremated Remains
(ii) Interment in full sized plot £1000
(ii) For interment of cremated remains in the area specifically reserved for cremated remains £1000
Plot Preparation Fee, made payable directly to the Works Officer £80. Please note caskets or containers must be a maximum size of 420mm x 280mm x 200mm high and we prefer biodegrable materials to be used.
Burial Record Search
If appointment is required £100
Administration Fee for Amendments